Some Emerging Guidelines On Picking Issues In [astrology]
The Opportunities In Simple Strategies

On Wednesday, June 13, it glides into your tenth house, the cosmic zone connected to long-term professional aspirations. This most public area of your chart governs your reputation and legacy, so don't be surprised if fortune suddenly smiles on your ambitions. Astrologers often refer to Venus as a "benefic" planet, meaning its influence is generous and favorable (nice, right?). Now through Monday, July 9, you'll be engaged in a passionate love affair — with your career. Whether you're embracing new responsibilities at work or updating your résumé, you'll find engaging with your professional life more stimulating than ever. On Thursday, June 21, Cancer season begins when the radiant sun glides into this like-minded water sign. Through Sunday, July 22, focus on fine-tuning the skills you need to reach your goals. This summer will be full of moments that have the potential to fuel life-changing success, so make sure you're fully prepared to take advantage. Remember that training and education are investments in your future, and the sooner you pursue them the sooner you'll be able to reap the rewards. Training and education are investments in your future, and the sooneryou pursue them the sooner you'll reap the rewards. In traditional astrology, before Pluto was discovered in 1930, Mars was considered your planetary ruler .
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